More Than Just

Sandy Giltz.
Senior Sing Member
My name is Sandy Giltz and I have enjoyed singing my entire life. I joined The Canton Civic Opera over 50 years ago and continued with them (and later VOCI) until just a few years ago. I loved it! It was a big part of my life and I truly miss it and all the people that meant so much to me. I had been feeling a “void” of music when a friend suggested being a part of the Senior Sing Group. Last winter, I started going to practice on Wednesday mornings with Senior Sing and director John Hayward. I sang for John years ago and he is a fantastic director with a great sense of wit that keeps the group well entertained. My son who has never expressed an interest in music before joins me weekly and all I can say is that this has been a great time for me to get out and SING with my friends and family.
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